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Серебряник Инна:

Originally the suffrage was only "man's" and was not distributed to women. The qualification of a floor long years was one of the strongest and proof restrictions of the suffrage. Long struggle was necessary to achieve the first results. World War I and its aftermath speeded up the enfranchisement of women in the countries of Europe and elsewhere. In the period 1914-39, women in 28 additional countries acquired either equal voting rights with men or the right to vote in national elections. These countries included Soviet Russia (1917); Canada (1918); Germany, Austria, Poland, and Czechoslovakia (1919); the United States and Hungary (1920); Great Britain (1918 and 1928); Burma (now Myanmar; 1922); Ecuador (1929); South Africa (1930); Brazil, Uruguay, and Thailand (1932); Turkey and Cuba (1934); and the Philippines (1937). In a number of these countries, women were initially granted the right to vote in municipal or other local elections or perhaps in provincial elections; only later were they granted the vote in national elections.
      Many believed, that the similar vague decision reflects fears of men: if the age qualification for women would be reduced, in post-war Britain women-voters would appear more, than man-voters. Any woman (it was put forward 15 candidates) has not passed in parliament. In England women are more senior than 30 years have received a vote in 1918, in USA - for two years later, i.e. in 1920, in France - in 1944, in Italy - in 1945, in Greece - in 1956, in Sudan - in 1965.
      Historically, the United Kingdom and the United States provide characteristic examples of the struggle for woman suffrage in the 19th and 20th centuries. In Great Britain, woman suffrage was first advocated by Mary Wollstonecraft in her book A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) and was demanded by the Chartist movement of the 1840s. The demand for woman suffrage was increasingly taken up by prominent liberal intellectuals in England from the 1850s on, notably by John Stuart Mill and his wife, Harriet. The first woman suffrage committee was formed in Manchester in 1865, and in 1867 Mill presented to Parliament this society's petition, which demanded the vote for women and contained about 1,550 signatures. The Reform Bill of 1867 contained no provision for woman suffrage, but meanwhile woman suffrage societies were forming in most of the major cities of Britain, and in the 1870s these organizations submitted to Parliament petitions demanding the franchise for women and containing a total of almost three million signatures. The succeeding years saw the defeat of every major suffrage bill brought before Parliament. This was chiefly because neither of the leading politicians of the day, William Gladstone and Benjamin Disraeli, cared to affront Queen Victoria's implacable opposition to the women's movement. In 1869, however, Parliament did grant women taxpayers the right to vote in municipal elections, and in the ensuing decades women became eligible to sit on county and city councils. The right to vote in parliamentary elections was still denied to women, however, despite the considerable support that existed in Parliament for legislation to that effect. In 1897 the various suffragist societies united into one National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, thus bringing a greater degree of coherence and organization to the movement. Out of frustration at the lack of governmental action, however, a segment of the woman suffrage movement became more militant under the leadership of Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Christabel. After the return to power of the Liberal Party in 1906, the succeeding years saw the defeat of seven suffrage bills in Parliament. As a consequence, many suffragists became involved in increasingly violent actions as time went on. These women militants, or suffragettes, as they were known, were sent to prison and continued their protests there by engaging in hunger strikes. Meanwhile, public support of the woman suffrage movement grew in volume, and public demonstrations, exhibitions, and processions were organized in support of women's right to vote. When World War I began, the woman suffrage organizations shifted their energies to aiding the war effort, and their effectiveness did much to win the public wholeheartedly to the cause of woman suffrage.
   The need for the enfranchisement of women was finally recognized by most members of Parliament from all three major parties, and the resulting Representation of the People Act was passed by the House of Commons in June 1917 and by the House of Lords in February 1918. Under this act, all women age 30 or over received the complete franchise. An act to enable women to sit in the House of Commons was enacted shortly afterward.
       It is interesting to remind, that  in 1928 the voting age for women was lowered to 21 to place women voters on an equal footing with male voters.


Победителем октябрьского конкурса стала Сергеева Ирина (13 баллов). Она и получает наш главный приз - диск "Oxford Dictionary". Поздравляем!!!

Участники конкурса, приславшие правильные ответы на четвёртый вопрос: Корженевский П.П., Timofeyeva Antonina, Irina Ermolaeva,Мельникова Юлия Валериевна, Иван Русских, Martynova Elena, Пахомова Алена Юрьевна.


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