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Выпуск №15
Тесты по английскому языку.
Учиться - всё равно, что плыть против течения: остановился - и тебя отнесло назад.
В выпуске:
/1/О рассылке.
/2/ О планах на будущее.
/3/ Шутки от Мишутки.
/4/ Поможем, чем сможем
/5/ Грамматический тест.
/6/ Лексический тест.
/7/ Тест на артикли.
/8/ Комментарии к тесту №G14.
/9/ Комментарии к тесту №V14.
/10/ Артикли. Миф или реальность?
/12/Ответы (G15,L15,A15).
/14/ Напоследок.
О рассылке:

Для тех кто недавно подписался на рассылку должно быть достаточно интересно ознакомиться со структурой работы с рассылкой.
Не секрет, что английский занял важное место в общественной жизни. Без знания языка Вы не получите достойной работы и не будете иметь доступ к оперативной и важной информации в различных сферах. Так вот, тестирование на сегодняшний день является основным видом контроля и проверки языковых знаний и навыков, который широко применяется в образовании и сертификации специалистов. Но ошибочно полагать, что тест - это только контроль. В настоящее время существуют и постоянно появляются методики, где овладение языком происходит через разнообразные виды тестирования. Поэтому информация рассылки поможет Вам не только проверить свои познания, но и повысить свой уровень, продолжив изучение языка. Для этой цели тесты сопровождаются грамматическими комментариями, дающими целостное представление о том или ином языковом явлении.
Работая с тестами, нужно помнить, что каждый тест имеет свой номер. Это необходимо для проверки тестов, так как в последующих рассылках будут указываться номера тестов и ответы к ним. Ответы на грамматические тесты сопровождаются комментариями, но Вы сами, в любой момент, можете послать мне письмо с вопросом, если у Вас возникнут трудности, или если Вам не понятен тот или иной вопрос. Ознакомится с предыдущими выпусками рассылки Вы можете на сайте http://englang.narod.ru/ .

О планах на будущее:

Здравствуйте, дорогие читатели рассылки. Пришла осень, с дождями и промозглым ветром. Не успели мы придти в себя, как наши ряды поредели. Простуда не щадит никого. 

Мы подумали и решили обратиться за помощью к читателям рассылки, если у Вас есть интересные темы по английскому языку (нечто авторское), мы будем Вам очень признательны, если Вы разрешите их опубликовать на нашем сайте. Заранее благодарны всем, кто откликнется.

Не бойтесь быть активными, пишите. sisers@mail.ru 

Шутки от Мишутки:
  1. A teacher wrote on the blackboard: "Like I ain't had no fun in months."  Then she asked the class, "How should I correct this sentence?"

    One student raised his hand and said, "Get a boyfriend?"
  2. OLD IS WHEN...

    "OLD" IS WHEN..... Your sweetie says, "Let's go upstairs and make love," and you answer, "Honey, I can't do both!"

    "OLD" IS WHEN..... A sexy babe catches your fancy and your pacemaker opens the garage door.

    "OLD" IS WHEN..... Going bra-less pulls all the wrinkles out of your face.

    "OLD" IS WHEN..... You are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of by the police.

    "OLD" IS WHEN..... "Getting lucky" means you find your car in the parking lot.

    "OLD" IS WHEN..... An "all nighter" means not getting up to pee.

  3. A man was walking around a new town, looking for a place to eat, when he spotted a restaurant called "Anything You Want."  A notice on the window read "We can fix any dish you ask for - if we don't have it, you will be paid $200."

    Thinking this was a pretty good deal, the man went in and sat down at a table.  The waitress came over to take his
    order.  He said, "I'll have roast elephant on rye bread, and hold the mayo."

    She snapped her gum, stuck her pencil back in her hair and walked into the kitchen.

    All of a sudden, the man heard screaming and yelling, pots and pans being thrown, and dishes breaking.  The kitchen
    door slammed open as the owner came charging out.  He put two one-hundred dollar bills on the table, and said "I can't believe it.  I've been in business here for ten years, and this is the first time I've run out of rye bread!"

    Yours Mishutka
Поможем, чем сможем:

 В этом разделе мы как обычно публикуем Ваши вопросы. Если у Вас имеется подобная информация , или Вы знаете, где её можно найти, то помогите тем, кому этот материал необходим. 

Вопрос №3. Собираюсь ехать в Америку. Какой экспресс-курс лучше пройти, чтобы за 3 месяца были реальные результаты. Уровень владения языком ниже (гораздо) среднего. Помогите,  плиииииз.ОТВЕТИТЬ

Ответы на вопрос №2. Слышала о курсах английского языка, основанных на эффекте 25 кадра. В рекламе говорится, что за неделю можно выучить 2000 слов и освоить грамматику. Реально ли это? Не наносится ли вред здоровью? Если всё же это эффективно, то где лучше купить, чтобы не обманули? Заранее благодарна.

Павел: Много слышал про этот метод, и сам пробовал, но к сожалению ни к чему хорошему не привело. Так что лично мое мнение по этому поводу - фуфло все это, заниматься нужно нормально!!!! Советую подписаться на рассылку "Новые английские слова" - очень удобно и эффективно!!!


Спасибо всем, кто отвечает на вопросы!!!

Ждём Ваших вопросов.

e-mail: sisers@mail.ru 

Грамматический тест (Grammar Test) №G15:

Here you must choose the word or phrase which completes the sentence best.

/1/What happened ______________ your watch?
A. with
B. to
C. at
D. by

/2/She is very old. She needs someone to look  ______________ her.
A. at
B. about
C. on 
D. after

/3/Who are you waiting _____________?
A. for
B. at
C. of
D. about

/4/I want to congratulate you ______________ your success in the competition.
A. on
B. with
C. for
D. of

/5/Mr and Mrs Roberts are in Moscow now. Tomorrow they are leaving _______________ St.Petersburg.
A. to
B. at
C. in
D. for

/6/Can you explain this rule ______________ me.
A. for
B. to
C. at
D. no preposition

/7/His english exercise was full ______________ mistakes.
A. from
B. with
C. of
D. no preposition

/8/He has been ________ Australia for two years now.
A. to
B. in
C. at
D. no preposition

/9/Do you go _____________ for sports? 
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. no preposition

/10/I can't think ______________ a better plan..
A. off
B. of
C. for
D. no preposition

Лексический тест (Vocabulary Test) №V15:

Complete these sentences.

/1/Tastes ....
A. different B. various C. argue D. differ

/2/Strike while the ... is hot.. 
A. metal B. iron C. steel D. gold

/3/The devil is not so black as he is .....
A. drawn B. shown C. painted D. described

/4/It goes without ....
A. speaking B. telling C. saying D. arguing

/5/A bad workman always blames his ....
A. tools B. hands C. work D. master

/6/As you ... your bed, so you must lie on it..
A. do B. make C. prepare D. lay

/7/All roads lead to ....
A. London B. Paris C. Rome D. Moscow

/8/Never put off till tomorrow what you can ... today.
A. make B. do C. perform D. work

/9/Health is above ....
A. death B. breath C. all D. wealth

/10/... do not make the man.
A. remembered B. recalled C. named D. honoured 

Тeст на артикли (Articles) №A15:

Read the story and replace the figures with one of the following forms of the articles:
/ A.a / B.an / C.the / D.zero article /

It was (-1-) early morning. (-2-) Browns got to (-3-) airport in time. " (-4-) Flight Number 107 arrives in (-5-) minute", they heard the annoncement. Soon John Smith will be here. The next moment they saw (-6-) Professor Smith. At (-7-) breakfast he was telling his story. (-8-) little Tom sat with (-9-) open mouth: the story was so exciting; (-10-) student Bob White, who was on holiday here, was making notes. John Smith spent two years exploring (-11-) world. Two years ago he sent his project to the Parliament. After the approval he started off from (-12-) Northen England. He travelled in (-13-) Africa and (-14-) America. He climbed (-15-) Kilimanjaro, he crossed (-16-) Pacific Ocean,he walked through the sands of (-17-) Sahara. When he got back to (-18-) British Isles, he immediately started to write (-19-) stories about his wonderful jorney for (-20-) "Times".

Ответы на тест №G14(с грамматическими комментариями):

Here are given the keys for the test №G14. Grammatical commentaries are situated next to the key. Sign "=" means that it is a set-expression and it should be learned by heart. If you have any questions write to me at once.

/1/A A ten-page report -  доклад на 10 страниц.
/2/B Present Continius - действие происходит в момент говорения. Употребляется форма глагола to be для 3 лица , единственного числа.
/3/D Превосходная степень сравнения (little-less-the least).
/4/C Последовательность действий в прошедшем времени.
/5/A Such a/an + (прилаг.) + сущ. 
/6/D Правило OPSHACOM (opinion, shape, colour, origin, material)
/7/D turn off the light - выключить свет.
/8/A put on - надевать.
/9/D to look up - посмотреть в словаре.
/10/B to call on - заходить.

Ответы на тест №V14(с грамматическими комментариями):

Here are given the keys for the test №V14. Grammatical commentaries are situated next to the key. Sign "=" means that it is a set-expression and it should be learned by heart. If you have any questions write to me at once.

/1/C Principal = main = главный
/2/C Leadership = guidance = руководство
/3/C Respect = honour = уважать
/4/B Examplary = model = примерный
/5/A Effect = influence = влияние
/6/B Motivate = stimulate
/7/B  Exclusively = only = единственный в своём роде
/8/D Well-known = celebrated = известный
/9/A Recreation = pastime = время препровождения 
/10/C Called = named = названный

Артикли. Миф или реальность?

ОПРЕДЕЛЕННЫЙ артикль THE употребляется в следующих случаях:

Если мы говорим, о каком то определенном предмете, или о том, что упоминалось ранее

  • The friend of mine is a reliable person.

  • They’ve built a house.

  • The house is rather modern and huge.

Все реки, океаны, газеты, журналы, пароходы, и т. д. (а имею в виду их названия) требуют определенного артикля

  • I am fond of reading ”THE TIMES”

  • My friend made up his mind to stay in the “GRAND hotel”.

  • Last summer I had a rest at the BLACK SEA coast.

Если мы говорим о вещах, единственных в своем роде.


Некоторые страны и государства.


Мы употребляем НУЛЕВОЙ артикль:

В названиях городов ,именах людей и в кличках животных

  • London is the capital of The United Kingdom.

  • Peter was eager to have a new family.

Когда мы говорим о предмете или явлении в его общем значении

  • Summer/spring/winter/autumn is coming!

  • Lion is an animal

Мы никогда не употребляем НЕОПРЕДЕЛЕННЫЙ артикль с существительными во множественном числе!

Продолжение в следующем выпуске.


Октябрьский конкурс продолжается, хотя наблюдается снижение Вашей активности. Тем не менее, мы получили 58 письма с ответами на второй вопрос "What is the full name of Elizabeth II?" Правильных ответов было только 19. На этот раз мы не стали делить победителей на группы, так как все участники конкурса прислали полные ответы. 

Но всё таки хочется выделить тех, кто прислал наиболее полные и информативные ответы. Мы думаем что эта информация будет полезна все читателям рассылки.

Серебряник И.А.
Elizabeth II is the Queen of Great Britain. She was born in Windsor on 21 April 1926. Her full name is Elizabeth-Mary-Alexander Windsor. The most official name is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Her pet name is Lilibet. She was educated at home, taught to read and write by her parents. She knew foreign languages. Elizabeth was made her speech on the radio in 1940. She was learned to drive. She came to throne in 1952. Elizabeth was crowned in Westminster Abbey on 2 June 1953. Queen Eliabeth II has two birthdays. Actual birthday (April 21st) and Official birthday.(June) i.e. Date Queen succeeded to the throne, when her father King George VI died.Queen Elizabeth II is married to Prince Philip(Duke of Edinburgh) and they have four children(in order of birth) : Prince Charles(Prince of Wales) - Heir to throne of Great Britain. Princess Anne(The Princess Royal), Prince Andrew(Duke of York), Prince Edward, who married Miss Sophie Rhys-Jones(Commoner) on 19th June 1999, at The St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle, now becomes the Earl of Wessex, and his wife, Countess of Wessex. (The title, Earl of Wessex, has not been bestowed on a subject, by British Monarch, since Elizabeth I (17th Century). On the death of Prince Philip, Prince Edward will become Duke of Edingburgh. This has been decreed by Her Majesty. The Earl and Countess Wessex have requested Her Majesty, that any children they bear, will NOT be given titles of Prince/Princess. Six Grandchildren (in order of birth):- Peter Phillips(son of The Princess Royal/Captain Mark Phillips), Zara Phillips(daughter of Princess Royal/Captain Mark Phillips) Prince William( Son of Prince Charles/Late Lady Diana) Prince Harry ( Son of Prince Charles/Late Lady Diana) Princess Beatrice(Daughter of Duke of York/Sarah Ferguson) Princess Eugenie(Daughter of Duke of York/Sarah Ferguson. Now Elizabeth-Mary-Alexander Windsor plays an important role in the country. 

Timofeyeva Antonina
The real name of Elizabth II, born April 21, 1926, (her birthday is officially celebrated in Britain on the 3rd Saturday of June each year), is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor. She belongs to Britain's Royal House (Family) of Windsor, and is the eldest daughter of George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, the Queen Mother, who is still living.As a child Elizabeth was nicknamed Lilibet - because that was the way she pronounced her name. She was a serious, tidy little girl. When Elizabeth was 13 she met Prince Philip of Greece ( Philip Mountbatten). He was 6 years older than her and came from the Greek royal family, but also had relatives in Danish, British and Russian royal families. Elizabeth first saw him in the Navy during the Second World War. Certainly at that time she was only a schoolgirl, but later they fell in love and in 1947 they got married. The pair have four children: Charles, Prince of Wales, born in 1948, Anne , born in 1950, Andrew , born in 1960,and Edward, born in 1964, and 6 grandchildren: Prince William of Wales, born June 21, 1982 - eldest son of Prince Charles; Prince Henry of Wales (popularly referred to as Prince Harry), born Sept. 15, 1984 - youngest son of Prince Charles ; Princess Beatrice of York, born Aug. 8, 1988 - eldest daughter of Prince Andrew; Princess Eugenie of York, born March 23, 1990 - youngest daughter of Prince Andrew ; Peter Mark Andrew Phillips, born Nov. 15, 1977 - son of Princess Anne; Zara Anne Elizabeth Phillips, born May 15, 1981 - daughter of Princess Anne. 

The Queen has several titles. In the United Kingdom her official title is: "Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith." 
In Canada, where the Queen is the Head of State, her official title is "Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith." 
In common practice Queen Elizabeth II is referred to simply as "The Queen", to differentiate her from her mother, who is called "Queen Elizabeth".
The Queen is one of the richest women in the world and yet she gets about 8 millions pounds a year to be queen. But many people agree that she does her job well and deserves her salary.

Сергеева Ирина
Elizabeth II, full name Elizabeth Alexandra Mary (1926- ), queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1952- ), daughter of King George VI, born in London. In 1944 she served as a councillor of state while her father was on the war front in Italy. She married Prince Philip, duke of Edinburgh, in 1947, and a year later gave birth to a son, Charles. In 1950 she gave birth to a daughter, Anne. Elizabeth succeeded to the throne on the death of her father in February 1952. A second son, Andrew, was born to Elizabeth in 1960 and a third, Edward, in 1964. 
Elizabeth's reign has been marked by vast changes in the lives of her people and in the power and prestige of her nation. By the early 1980s, some 40 former British colonies, protectorates, and mandate territories had been granted their independence. Beginning in the mid-1950s, there was constant turmoil in Northern Ireland. On the home front, the nation suffered economic difficulties after World War II. Many industries were nationalized, and in 1973 Great Britain became a member of the European Economic Community. Throughout this period Elizabeth's primary role was as a symbol of unity and continuity within the Commonwealth of Nations; Elizabeth and her husband frequently visited the Commonwealth nations. 
The royal family has also undergone changes during Elizabeth's reign. Since the 1980s the public has become much more informed about the lives of the royal family due to in-depth press coverage. Two of Queen Elizabeth's sons, Prince Charles and Prince Andrew, separated from their wives in 1992; both separations occurred amid a flurry of international press coverage. These separations were surrounded by accusations of infidelity and damaged the reputation of the royal family. Also in 1992 the Queen and Prince Charles agreed to pay income taxes on their personal income, the first time the monarchy has done so. The same year, part of Windsor Castle was seriously damaged by fire. In 1993 Buckingham Palace was opened to tourists to help pay for the repairs at Windsor Castle. 

Анастасия Чичикайло
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 
Full name: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor. 
Queen Elizabeth`s title: Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of Commonwealth, Defender of Faith. 
Nick name: Lilibet. 
Born: April 21,1926 (17 Burton Street, the London home of her mother`s parents) Officially celebrated in Britain: 3rd Saturday of June 
In Canada: In Canada the Queen`s birthday is traditionally celebrated on the Victory Day holiday in May. 
Star Sign: Taurus. 
Mother: Countess of Strathmore, Duchess of York; Queen Elizabeth (age 98). 
Father: Earl of Strathmore, Duke of York; King George VI. 
Sister: Princess Margeret Windsor( four years younger). 
Married: Prince Philip, then Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten on November 20, 1947 at Westminister Abbey, London. 
Children: Prince Charles, Prince of Wales ( November 14, 1948 ) ; Princess Anne, the Princess Royal ( August 15, 1950 ) ; Prince Andrew, the Duke of York ( February 19, 1960 ); 
Prince Edward ( March 10, 1964 ). 
Crowned: On June 2, 1953 in Westminister Abbey, London. 
Homes: Official residences: Buckingham Palace in London, Windsor Castle in Berkshire and Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh. 
Private: Sandringham in Norfolk and Balmoral in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 
Income: 7,900,000 from the Civil List each year. 
Pets: The Queen has got corgis. This is the continuation of a long family tradition began by her father, King GeorgeVI, who kept several corgis. Since than Corgis have become a symbol of the present royal family. 
Biggest achievements: Leading a country for many years , producing four wonderful children and earning a high level of respect from the United Kingdom and abroad. Symbolising unity of the common wealth. 
Place: Scotland, Windsor Castle. 
Food: Fish, High tea including cucumber sandwiches and cakes. 
Drink: White wine, gin and tonic, tea. 
Hobbies and Sports: Fooling with horses and dogs, Equestrian events, corgis, rural life. 
Dislikes: Invasion of Privacy, coffee, helicopters, soccer, cricket, tennis. 
Biggest mistake: Changing attitudes to divorce within the royal family and church. 
Height: 5 4". 
Eye color: Blue. 
Hair color: Dark brown, now gray. 
Right- handed. 

Имена и фамилии остальных победителей опубликованы на сайте: http://englang.narod.ru/comp/comp.htm. Все они получают 3 призовых балла.

Ознакомиться со вторым вопросом и промежуточными результатами октябрьского конкурса можно по адресу: http://englang.narod.ru/comp/comp.htm 

В этом месяце главный приз - диск "Oxford Dictionary".


Ответы G15,L15,A15:

G15: B/D/A/A/D/B/C/B/C/B

L15: D/B/C/C/A/A/C/B/D/A

A15: D/C/C/D/A/D/D/D/B/C/C/D/D/D/D/C/C/C/D/C


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Регулярно прорабатывая тесты нашей рассылки, Вы наверняка заметили , что она подготавливает только к тестовой части и абсолютно не затрагивает аудирование и некоторые другие части этого тестового экзамена TOEFL. Но всё же есть выход, Вы сможете проверять свои знания и тренировать навыки английского языка с помощью диска "Тесты TOEFL". Там Вы найдёте все части этого теста , да и сама компьютерная программа идентична с той, с которой Вам придётся столкнутся на экзамене, что поможет Вам с психологической точки зрения. Проделав тесты, Вы тут же получаете отчёт по Вашим результатам и общий балл. Поэтому эти тренировки помогут Вам быть во всеоружии на экзамене. Также на диске Вы найдёте FAQ(часто задаваемые вопросы) и описание тонкостей и особенностей при работе с этой тестовой системой. Цена диска 115 руб.

По вопросам приобретения диска и за дополнительной информацией обращайтесь на http://englang.narod.ru/toefl_cd.htm или sisers@mail.ru


So, what are your results? I believe that grammar commentaries helped you to understand everything and correct your mistakes.
The keys for the tests (№11;№V11;№A11) with grammar commentaries will be published next time. If you have any difficulties or problems you can consult me at any time.It'll be a pleasure for me to be useful and help you (don't be afraid of being active).
I hope that this list will be useful for you and will help you to develop your language skills. Next time these tests are going to be deeply analysed and grammar material will be represented.
If you have any questions or suggestions write to me at once (in English if you can). Please, write to me if you want to get more information in English.

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Посетите наш сайт "Английский для Вас".

You can send all your questions on this e-mail:
/Best Wishes from Sisers/

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