Тесты по английскому языку

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Тесты по английскому языку

Test #1
Test #2
Test #3
Test #4
Test #5
Test #7
Test #8
Test #9
Test #10
Test #11
Test #12

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Выберите правильный вариантГрафа для проверки
1. The school director may pel a student, if he doesn't observe the rules.
2. Astronomers use a scope to study the planets.
3. The name of the National hero was scribed on the marble board.
4. It will take a long time to form the country's laws.
5. His mother was pressed by his failure in the exam.
6. I consider it a peasure to have met and versed with you.
7. The play was formed at the National Theatre.
8. I must press my thanks for your help.
9. A strong wind blew her umbrella side out.
10. The students are making good gress with their French.
11. One of the most common methods of cooking vegetables is simply them in water.
12. You can  lots of prizes in the competition "The Wheel of Fortune". 
13. We a lot of money on our summer holidays, so we cannot by a new car now.
14. The of living will be higher than ever. 
15. What is the  of the crisis in he country?
16. If you want any information, you may ask the secretary. 
17. The troops marched forward and the border of the country.  
18.  He left the job because he found it .
19.  Her brother is an clever child.  
20. Hello! Is that Moscow 242-45-79? To whom am I to?
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