Тесты по английскому языку

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Тесты по английскому языку

Test #1
Test #2
Test #3
Test #4
Test #5
Test #7
Test #8
Test #9
Test #10
Test #11
Test #12

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Выберите правильный вариантГрафа для проверки
1. Could I have  cup of coffe.
2. When I heard the lie again, I felt realy  .
3. We have  classes on Friday, than on Monday.
4. The smaller the parcel is, the  it is to post.
5. I'm as good at English  Helen is.
6. He is an old friend of .
7. How long  it takes you to drive to the South last summer?
8.  you ever been abroad.
9. It   Friday tomorrow.
10. The Smiths  a party next week.
11. I  in Moscow since 1980.
12. Bob wants to be reacher when he  
13. Boris telephoned yesterday and  a message.
14. It was nine o'clock. The train  StPetersburg.
15. We  in London for nearly three years now.
16. I didn't go to see the film because I  it before.
17. Water  at 100 degrees Centigrade.
18. Look, it again.
19. This cheese  nice.
20. The President  to Washington last night.
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