Тесты по английскому языку

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Тесты по английскому языку

Test #1
Test #2
Test #3
Test #4
Test #5
Test #7
Test #8
Test #9
Test #10
Test #11
Test #12

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Выберите правильный вариантГрафа для проверки
1. The National Union of Students has decided to send Morris as its to the National Confirence.
2. What is the of present day crime?
3. The governments wants to introduce new laws to control the of guns.
4. The President the need for cooperation in the space programmes of the two countries.
5. The director the students on his success in the tennis match.
6. After a short interval he himself once more to his English.
7. A good beginning makes a good .
8. Easier said than .
9.  He who laughs  laughs longest.
10. As you make your bed, so you must in it.
11. Barking dogs seldom .
12.  I've let the  out of the bag already, so I'd better tell you the whole thing.
13. I my tounge and just followed them without saying a word.
14. He is not a person to kill two  with one stone.
15. He hasn't  up his mind which subject he wants to study yet.
16. Every dog has its .
17. Are you sure they won't shut the door in your ?
18.  There's no smoke without .
19.  Our scientists prepared the for international space flights. 
20. I can make neither head nor of the situation.
Ваша оценка
You can send all your questions on this e-mail:
sisers@mail.ru sisers@mail.ru
/Best Wishes from Sisers/
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